Top 3 Branding Trends of 2024

Creating a strong brand is one of the best things a company can do to create awareness for their product or service. Consumers do not respond solely to products and services, but also to how a company makes them feel. Successful branding can make or break your business. It’s important to note, though, that branding is not static. You cannot expect to stop after creating a simple logo design. To survive, your brand needs to be nurtured and continually adapt to societal changes. You may … Continue reading “Top 3 Branding Trends of 2024”

Top 3 Types of Print Advertisements

In the age of digital advertising, you may be tempted to neglect print advertisements. Why bother with print when most consumers find you through internet advertising and social media? However, print is still an important medium for advertising your product or service. For starters, demographics is a huge factor in what types of advertisements you should use. If you target millennials exclusively, you may be able to get away with a reduced (but not nonexistent) print presence. However, if you target older consumers, print is … Continue reading “Top 3 Types of Print Advertisements”

3 Ways Your Business Can Use Videography

More and more businesses are learning how the inclusion of video can improve their marketing strategy. In 2018, according to Hubspot, 81% of businesses were using videos in their marketing. In general, videos are more engaging than text, and most consumers prefer videos over other forms of content. When it comes to video content, professional videography can make a world of difference. You may already know the value of well-shot videos, but you might not realize just how many ways you can use videography. Here … Continue reading “3 Ways Your Business Can Use Videography”

Beginner’s Guide to Branding

Branding Tips for Beginners In today’s digital age, people are becoming more technologically advanced by utilizing new branding trends. Keeping up with these digital trends is imperative to staying ahead of the curve. In our new digitally enhanced era, more and more competition arrives daily into already crowded arenas. Branding is a way for a business’s products to capture an audience by showcasing a message with a brand. Learning branding tips from leading experts in the field is an important first step to a successful … Continue reading “Beginner’s Guide to Branding”

Tips For Print Advertising in a Modern World

Many people overlook print advertisements as digital media is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Search engine optimization, website design, and online video and photography content are all the rage no matter what sort of business you have. While the sparkle and pizzazz of digital marketing are exciting, you should not ignore print advertising. Many things fall into the category of print media from flyers, mailers, billboards, newspapers, to magazine ads. While all of these methods aren’t right for every business, there are certainly ways … Continue reading “Tips For Print Advertising in a Modern World”

3 SEO Tips for 2022

When looking at SEO (Search Engine Optimization) every passing year brings a lot of changes. It will benefit your company to start looking into trends and predicting what the future may hold for SEO and Pay-per-Click (PPC). Here are three SEO Tips to know for the coming year. #1: Voice versus typing search and the changing keyword Searching on the internet involves typing and or speaking which are two very different forms of communication. Speech is a much more fluid form of communication, especially when … Continue reading “3 SEO Tips for 2022”

Digital Advertising Campaign: 3 Reasons to Develop One

Digital advertising has taken the marketing world by storm over the last decade. However, raditional methods of advertising such as television, radio, yellow pages, direct mail, and print remain effective to various degrees. However, there is a clear shift in the world of marketing to utilize internet-based advertisements. Banner ads, online video commercials, streaming services, and search engine optimization strategies are quickly becoming as standard as a television commercial. Is your business looking to find customers, stay competitive or simply grow? If you’re not doing … Continue reading “Digital Advertising Campaign: 3 Reasons to Develop One”

Bad Advertising Effects

Businesses and marketing firms understand that bad advertising effects can destroy market share. The goal of advertising is obvious. It should heighten engagement, increase online / in-store traffic, improve profits, increase brand recognition and increase market share. However, advertising campaigns can miss the mark and instead lead to a decline in sales numbers. When designing an advertising campaign strategy for your business, it’s important to look at what type of traffic you want to generate. This can be for either your website or place of … Continue reading “Bad Advertising Effects”

Shocking Marketing Statistics for 2022 and Beyond

Marketing is constantly changing. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up, especially with technology evolving at a faster rate than ever before. As a result, if you want to stay ahead of the curve and outrank your competitors, it is always important to be knowledgeable of evolving trends (or hire an agency that has the knowledge). While you’re looking ahead to the future of marketing, we have compiled a list of the best marketing statistics for 2018 and beyond. Key Statistics Using video on landing pages … Continue reading “Shocking Marketing Statistics for 2022 and Beyond”

Marketing Agency vs. In-House Marketing

Every business needs some form of marketing strategy, whether it is a small business or a large corporation. Successful advertising will bring in more customers and sales. If you want this type of success, then a marketing agency is the best way to achieve it. In today’s digital landscape, you need to stay ahead of your competitors to be successful. You may be wondering whether hiring an advertising agency is the best way to increase your business. Here are five reasons why hiring an advertising … Continue reading “Marketing Agency vs. In-House Marketing”