Image of a desk at a marketing agency
Image of a desk at a marketing agency

Marketing Agency vs. In-House Marketing

Every business needs some form of marketing strategy, whether it is a small business or a large corporation. Successful advertising will bring in more customers and sales. If you want this type of success, then a marketing agency is the best way to achieve it. In today’s digital landscape, you need to stay ahead of your competitors to be successful. You may be wondering whether hiring an advertising agency is the best way to increase your business.

Here are five reasons why hiring an advertising agency would benefit you.


This may be the best reason of all to hire an advertising marketing agency. It may seem like it would be a lot cheaper to hire in house. However, there are more costs involved in this process than you may initially realize. Besides paying skilled employees (or employee’s) salary, you have to advertise the position, pay a recruiter/trainer, payroll taxes and healthcare among many other things. In addition, you may even have to pay for new and constantly changing marketing tools and editing software. These can be very expensive. Employing a team of experienced marketers can cost you more than $300,000 a year!


It takes a lot of time and money to put together an advertising team. This is because there are many aspects of a good marketing strategy that require different skill sets. This makes it incredibly advantageous to hire an agency, as they will handle the market research necessary for your business. They have specific knowledge in a wide range of areas and will have experts in house to handle every aspect of your marketing needs. This includes content creation, web development, search engine strategists, social media, video production, photography and more. 


Getting a fresh perspective and new ideas for your business marketing campaigns is invaluable. Experienced marketing professionals may help identify unseen opportunities and areas for improvement. With the ever-changing landscape of SEO and social media platforms, it is vital to have professionals who are dedicated to adapting your strategy for maximum effectiveness.


This is particularly important if you are a small business, as other things are constantly arising for your staff to contend with. A marketing agency only does marketing. As a result, your business’s marketing campaign is our priority. Having your marketing done efficiently and consistently will increase sales and consumer engagement.


Finally, by hiring an advertising agency, it gives you the ability to advertise with whatever budget you have set aside to begin your advertising campaign. As your business grows and becomes more successful, you can scale up your marketing budget, without having to hire and train any new staff. Finally, you will be able to roll out bigger marketing campaigns as you will have access to a full team of experts.

Above all, marketing is a process and one that should not be taken lightly. We’re a multidisciplinary marketing agency offering advertising expertise with traditional marketing foundations, with a modern unconventional approach. Therefore, our highly-energized team of seasoned professionals is ready to help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today at 520-777-8309, to find out what we can offer your business.

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